Sunday, June 3, 2012

UNIF - It's time to make a decision

This is the Logo of UNIF Clothing. Realised something special? Yes, this is one of the most popular
signs of the Illuminati. But that's not what I want to talk about. There are people who believe that there
is something like a community called Illuminati, others don't. So I don't want to speculate but I want to talk
about facts.
UNIF is a "fashion" brand with provocative and profane clothing - and it might be the start of something the Holy Bible predicted thousands of years before. But let's get into this first:

I think most of you know who this is: Lil' Wayne - One of the most famous and successful rappers in the world. I have to admit that he was one of my favourite rappers some years ago but things have changed.
In this picture he is wearing a Cap of UNIF Clothing.
There are three important things to see on the cap: The UNIF Logo, a cross and wait - an inverted cross...

I think (hope) that most of you know what inverted crosses mean. An inverted cross is an indicator for devil
worshiping and the Anti-Christ.
It's first meaning was to honor St. Peter who was crucified up side down because he thought
that he wasn't worth to be killed the same way Jesus was killed.
But satanists used this symbol and changed its meaning.
This is another product of UNIF Clothing. You can see an inverted cros (again), a pentagram (with a goat in it), and a Mickey Mouse Face and Hands.
You already know the meaning of the inverted cross but there is something to explain about the pentagram. The pentagram with the goat face in it is the international symbol for satanic churches. The goat in the pentagram is Baphomet. Baphomet is a demon used by satanics.

This is Baphomet...

The Mickey Mouse face is a sign of mind control. Stars like Rihanna wear helmets in a Mickey Mouse shape and she also wears a T-Shirt called MindsControl by UNIF Clothing.

You can see that the words are shaped like an inverted cross.

But what I really want to say with this blogpost is that soon many many people are going to wear those clothes. But we as Christians have to be strong, we have to resist this invasion. We should be carefull what artists are on our iPod, we should be carefull what we wear and what we see everyday.

I hope I reached you with my words and may the Lord God bless You!

Monday, February 6, 2012


Forgiving is something we all know, we all need and we all have problems with.
You may have given someone a chance but he disappointed or hurt you.
So what to do now?
Give him another chance.

Forgiving is one of the most important things in christian life.
Our Almighty Father also forgives us as long as we really regret our doings.
So if we want God to forgive us our sins - forgive your next first.

"And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.
But if ye not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses."
- St. Mark 11:25 - 26

If you don't learn to forgive you are going to be the one who will have the problems at the end.
Your enemy may regret what he did and if he does God will forgive him.
But you, you who didn't learn to forgive - you'll have a sin on your account plus God won't forgive you your sins. And we all know that we are sinners. Even those "small lies" are as bad as a murder. But we'll come back to this topic later on.

To sum up the blogpost:
"Learn to forgive your brother and your sins shall be forgiving too." - X Lation